Black or Blue (Ink)…Does It Matter?

Black or Blue (Ink)…Does It Matter?

Question: Which ink color (black or blue) is legally binding when signing legal or contract documents? Answer: Thanks a lot … I expected this question to require five minutes to research. An hour later, I am still reading about early Chinese dynasties and American...

Deposition Tips

Question: I have to testify in a deposition for an ongoing civil lawsuit. I have never done this before. Do you have any tips? Answer: A deposition is a strange, and sometimes unpleasant experience, formally defined as obtaining recorded testimony for use in court at...
What’s in your Social Security Number

What’s in your Social Security Number

Question: Are Social Security numbers assigned randomly or is there a system involved? Answer: Contrary to popular belief, social security numbers are not issued randomly. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses an interesting system of assignment. First three...

Facebook Friend Status Does Not Disqualify Judge

A normal friendship between a judge and an attorney is a common reason for recusal (the process for a judge to quit a case to avoid the influence of bias). A recent Florida Supreme Court decision ruled: a Judge who was “Facebook friends” with an Attorney did not...

Latin Legal Terms – All Greek to Most

Question: I was in court recently and heard the lawyers say a bunch of Latin legal terms. What to they usually mean? Answer: Perhaps intellectual elitism motivates lawyers to use such language in court. More likely, fancy words help them to justify high legal fees....