Understanding Durable Power Of Attorney

Understanding Durable Power Of Attorney

Have you ever thought about how many decisions you make every day? While you may be able to make these decisions today, this can change dramatically if you ever start experiencing physical or mental decline or become incapacitated. Unfortunately, incapacity can strike...
To Buy or Not Buy – an Extended Warranty

To Buy or Not Buy – an Extended Warranty

Question: Should I buy an extended warranty for my large gifts this holiday season? Answer: Don’t you love the slew of questions at the checkout counter? Are you a rewards member? Would you like to sign up for a credit card to save $2.00. And the hardest one: would...

I Now Pronounce You … Insured?

Everyone knows some poor bride or groom whose wedding day goes awry, due to forces beyond their control. Whenever we get a hurricane or blizzard, I feel for the couples whose magic day is interrupted. Fear not, bridezillas. Wedding insurance is available to protect...

Springtime Brings Flood Insurance Claims

Spring is here, and flood insurance carriers typically see a bump in claims. Common questions arise about what is covered by flood and homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance coverage: Is flood damage covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy? No. Water seepage...