What Does The Probate Process Entail

What Does The Probate Process Entail

You leave behind a lifetime of possessions when you die, from real estate to stocks and bonds, furniture and clothing, and all the other assets you have accumulated over the decades. This accumulation of assets is your estate. If you are like most people, you intend...

New Wife + No Will = No Fun

Question: I have adult children and recently remarried. I have no will. If I die tomorrow, who gets my stuff – my wife or my kids? Answer: Good news: the rules are clear without a will or trust. Your wife gets 100% of the estate if: all surviving kids, grandkids, etc....
Probate Bond Always Needed

Probate Bond Always Needed

Question: My mother’s will names me as the personal representative of her estate, and says I can serve “without the need for a bond.” When I filed with the probate court, they are making me complete a bond. Why is a bond needed? Answer: The role of personal...

MassHealth Exemptions: Funeral Expenses

Question: My mother is 90 years old and we are considering a nursing home. She has a total of approximately $20,000 in assets. Can we save some of this money before applying for her nursing home services? Answer: If your mom needs a nursing home, and you expect to ask...
What does JTWROS mean?

What does JTWROS mean?

Question: The deed to my house says my girlfriend and I own as: JTWROS. What the heck does this mean? Answer: It means you really liked your girlfriend when you bought the house. A house owned by more than one person can be a) linked together, or b) held in two...

Are You Willing to Bet on Your Lifespan?

Question:  I am getting ready to select how I want my pension to be paid when I retire. Do you have any advice about the various payment style options? Answer:   Congratulations. Pensions are becoming a rare benefit, offered primarily to public sector or union...